This is a non-invasive procedure that eliminates stubborn fat with no surgery or downtime. The result is a noticeable, natural-looking fat reduction in the treated areas, such as abdominal fat, love handles (flanks), double chin, saddle bags (bulky thighs) and/or back fat. To perform the procedure, an applicator is attached to the desired area for fat reduction, and extracts energy (cooling) from the underlying fat tissue without damage to other tissues. When fat cells are exposed to precise cooling, a natural process of cell removal is triggered. The fat cells in the treated area are gradually eliminated through the body’s normal metabolic processes. Results are proven and long-lasting – once the fat is gone, it is gone for good!

How does it work?

This technology safely delivers precisely controlled cooling to gently and effectively target the fat cells. The treated fat cells are then crystalised (frozen), and then die. Over time your body will process the fat and eliminate these dead cells to leave a more sculpted you. There is no knife, no needles or no lasers. After we determine the areas of opportunities, the applicator is positioned on the selected area and controlled cooling is applied. Typically you will see a noticeable reduction of up to 20-25% fat in the treated area after one visit. Each session will last for approximately 60 minutes.

Ideal candidate ?

This is a great alternative for those who do not want to undergo surgery, but who have stubborn pockets of fat which won’t go away with diet or exercise. If you have large areas you want reduced you may wish to consider other options.

 A treatment area can be:


Tummy Arms
Abdomen Arms
Waist Knees
Love Handles Chin & Neck
Inner Thighs Ankles
Outer Thighs Bra Fat



Some patients see results in as little as 3 weeks, however the most striking results are usually seen 1-3 months post treatment. After one session, you will typically see a 20% visible reduction of fat in the treated area. Results will continue to improve with additional treatments. Ultimately, the number of treatments is dependent on each patient’s individual circumstances and characteristics. Our patients are reporting that they love the sculpting effects on their bodies. Many are seeing slimmer hips and flatter tummies; and those who have inner thighs that rub against each other love the freedom that comes with fat reduction in this area.